What Matters Most?
When the doctor says, “You understand he is going to die?” it’s amazing how your focus changes. At first, I was stunned, shaken, and for days I felt like I could barely breath.
It’s a scary thing to realize a situation is totally beyond your control. In reality, none of us really know the timeline of our life or what tomorrow holds for those we love. What we do know is that we have this moment. You and I, we each have today. What you do with it is up to you. You have a choice. Are you wasting it watching mindless reruns, staring at your phone, or surfing the web for nothing in particular? You get to choose. Be intentional.
After getting over the mind crippling fear of that doctor’s announcement, we realized, while the timing is in God’s hands, we have a choice in how we respond. We are choosing to adjust our focus and zero in on what matters most to us. We are choosing to make the moments for our family take precedence. We are choosing to work on improving our financial position so when something does happen, we won’t be crippled financially. We have decided to be very intentional about the choices we make each day.
It would have been easier and even understandable to be overwhelmed with the news and wait and see what happens. We could have continued in the flurry of activity of business, family, etc. we call modern life and not reflect on what we really want to happen today. We could have maintained the status quo. But my friend and mentor, John C. Maxwell, in his book, Intentional Living, says, “No one finishes well by accident,” and “When you get right down to it, intentional living is about living your best story.”
Regardless of tomorrow, there is a purpose in my being here. There is a purpose for our family and we want to live out our best story. I want my story, my family story, and my professional story to leave a significant imprint. Rather than just go with the flow, we are making choices and choosing to be intentional about how we go about each day. We are asking ourselves things like, “Which of my personal values do I want to be sure to live out today?” or “What opportunity do I want to be open to?” or “What thoughts am I going to choose to dwell on?”
John Wooden once said, “Make each day your masterpiece.” Each day, we are choosing to focus our time and energy on things that we decide matter. There is so much that just fills space or has little value. Before you know it, another day is gone. But you have the choice, you have the ability to claim the day and make it your masterpiece. Don’t leave it to chance.
Reflect: What are you doing out of habit rather than because it is what you want to do? What things in your life just take up space with little value or return? At the end of the day, what really matters most to you? What paragraphs do you want to be in this chapter of your story? Don’t miss out on these moments.
Take Action: Personal growth requires intentional effort. Choose to make a change today and be intentional. Today, right now, make a list of the 4 or 5 things you value most. Then choose one thought or behavior that supports what you value and make that be a part of each day’s masterpiece this week. Live it out and make it happen!

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